Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Coming Out Of Retirement?

I bet everyone wonders what happened to Brando? Well yes I am still on the face of the earth. Just had to find out where I was. Once I found myself I came out of retirement and decided to blog. Things have been pretty busy around here with our Clayton, Carter, and Kiley on the way.

We have sold our house, and are moving to a place more affordable. We bought a double wide!! Not just your plain double wide, we decided to make it a double deck double wide. Most double wides have 3 steps to enter, but we wanted to be different and made it unique. Take off those wheels, place it on cinderblocks stacked 2 high and presto. You have a two story double wide. We have to use 6 steps to get inside.

All of what I said is made up, but it would be very funny to do that. Anyway we have been busy working, and wondering what it will be like with 3 kids. We are looking for a larger vehicle so we can transport our growing family around, and we may just settle on an RV. The best part about this RV is the duct tape that holds it together. Jennifer feels alot safer knowing that it is bound with the handy mans best friend. The good thing about an RV is that if we are out and about and the kids fall asleep we can just leave them in there to get their rest. ( another made up story.) We are actually looking for a mini-van, so we can all fit. We have a little bit of time before Kiley gets here so we are not in a rush at all.
In all seriousness we are enjoying the church that we have been visiting, and the kids like it lot also. We didn't feel at home for awhile and now 6 months later it is starting to grow on us. Of course we are not feeling lead to join the church as of yet, and this may not be where God wants us to be. They thing that has drawn us is the childrens program and the worship time. Our Sunday School class is doing a study called "Downpour" written by the pastor of the church my sister attends in Chicago. It has been a good study as of yet, and it opens your eyes to all that you are not doing as a christian. It has helped my mind in the aspect of relationships with people, and has helped me not hold a grudge toward past problems with people.
That being said, drumroll please.....
Jennifer and I sat down with my father and step-mother, and got the air cleared on somethings that we have been struggling with as a family. It went well, and unless you try and fix the problem you will always be angry and never get away from that demon. We talked about things that we as a family need to do to better our relationship, and that we want to get to know each other better. For so long Jennifer and I were misunderstood, and the same went for my parents. We made the step forward and want to better the bond as adults, children, and parents. Grandparents are such a blessing and you never want you children to suffer, so sometime you need to hash things out.
Well I need to go and see a man about getting clean, so I must bid you Good Nite.
So until tomorrow. Keep on Laughing

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